
STATA Online Assistance

These are 45-minute online appointments for students in Social & Behavioral Science courses that require the use of STATA to complete assignments (e.g., SBS 304).

Type of Help

Students will receive one-on-one assistance performing analyses with STATA statistical software from a SAM Lab Consultant.

Appointment Info

STATA Assistance Appointments can be scheduled by clicking on the “Book STATA Assistance Appointment” button below. Appointments must be made at least 12 hours prior to the desired appointment start time. At the time of booking, you will need to provide the following information:

1) Course name and number
2) Instructor
3) The specific question(s) you would like to discuss

Approximately 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of your appointment, a SAM Lab consultant will send an email (to the email address you provide at the time of booking) with a link to the specific Zoom meeting room in which your online help session will take place. You will need a reliable internet connection. You will not need to download any software or plugins, however, and you should not log into your own ASU Zoom account.

Keep in mind that during your appointment, the SAM Lab Consultant can answer general and more specific questions about statistical analyses using STATA. They can not provide direct answers to any class assignments, provide step-by-step instructions for answering each question on a class assignment, or review your completed assignments or homework responses.