Statistical Concepts

On this page you fill find information on statistical concepts that pop up in almost all statistical analyses you will use.

Types of Data

  • Great 13-minute video that explains each level of measurement with multiple examples.

Central Limit Theorem

  • A blog post on formulas and detailed examples of the different central tendencies.

  • An easy-to-follow 12-minute crash course on measures of central tendency.

  • A 13-minute educational video giving an example of how to calculate range, variance, and standard deviation.

  • A simpler 12-minute video giving a crash course on measures of range, variance, and standard deviation.

  • A great blog post giving a simple informative look at the normal distribution.

  • An 11-minute video explaining the normal distribution in an easy-to-understand format.

Other Concepts

  • A nice short video explaining degrees of freedom.

  • A great blog post giving simple explanations of degrees of freedom across the various statistical tests.

  • A 12-minute video detailing the function of confidence intervals with examples.

  • A written explanation on a blog post giving visuals and examples of confidence intervals.

  • A quick reference guide on the variety of statistical symbols you will encounter.