Statistical Tests
On this page you fill find information on a variety of common statistical tests.
A quick 5-minute video informative introduction on z-scores.
A basic blog post providing a written explanation of z-scores, including examples using the formulas.
A blog post that gives a good explanation of all types of t-tests with informative graphs.
A great website with explanations, examples, and example data for all types of t-tests, including walk-throughs for SPSS.
A website outlining the use of ANOVA, providing examples, data sets, and walkthroughs of one-way ANOVA analysis with SPSS.
A thorough blog post on one-way ANOVA, the assumptions involved, and SPSS walkthrough of analysis.
An educational blog post about two-way ANOVAs, including the assumptions made and step-by-step procedures for analysis in SPSS.
An 8-minute video on two-way ANOVAs, including a comparison between the functions of one-way and two-way ANOVAs.
A short 5-minute video comparing one-way ANOVAs versus two-way ANOVAs.
A website outlining the purpose and procedure of basic linear regression.
A great blog post introducing linear regression, reviewing the assumptions involved, and providing visuals of concepts like homoscedasticity.
A blog post giving an overview of multiple regression, the assumptions made, and performing multiple regression in SPSS.
Other Analyses
A great blog post including direction, strength, and interpretation of correlations.
A 5-minute video demonstrating a Pearson correlation analysis in SPSS.
A website detailing common uses of Chi-Square analysis, providing example data sets and a walk-through demonstration of analysis in SPSS.
A 12-minute video going over Chi-Square analysis, including the critical value and degrees of freedom.